Landlubber's Log
Raw Sewage
All music on this site by





House, M.D.
Stella Bridges Arc (German!)
In vollen Zügen
Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
Verbotene Bücher

Standalone (German)


Lord of the Rings
Composer's Block
Istari Love
You Can Still Be Free
Too Much
Elven Breeze
Where the Light Is Brightest
Composer's Block


Diamond Cycle:
Diamond's Way pt.1
Diamond's Way pt.2
Down Below
Lost and Found


Standalone Stories:
Into the Dark
On New Grounds


Fallen Angel
When Angels Travel (WIP)


Queer as Folk
Watching the Watcher

Istari Love


Disclaimer: this installment is for the sole purpose of entertainment both the author and the readers.
I do not intent to make money of it, so please don't sue me.
All characters unless noted otherwise are the property of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pairing: Gandalf/Saruman, Glorfindel/Erestor, Glorfindel-Gandalf-friendship

Beta-read by Cara, all remaining mistakes are intended and for the amusement of the valued reader.




That first afternoon their mood was dour and no one spoke a word. Erestor was busy riding. Of course he knew how to ride a horse, but he had not too much practice.


"We'll make camp here." It was the first sentence for hours when Glorfindel stopped his horse in the setting sun.


"Where?" Erestor looked around. Now that the horse stood still he had the time to take-in his surroundings.

"Here." the captain slid off his steed and started to unsaddle.

"But...." this was incredible!

"What is it?" the blond sighed.

"There's NOTHING here!" Erestor exclaimed exasperated.

"Bookworm...." Glorfindel muttered under his breath. Then, louder he added: "we have shelter, wood for a fire and a creek with water. What else should we need?"


"A bath!" Erestor found it no miracle that the Captain of the Guard did not long to get clean. He himself would not give in to such poor excuses.


Glorfindel snorted, shook his head and continued to prepare their camp.


Erestor looked around and was utterly disappointed there was nothing to hide behind. He wanted his privacy when cleansing himself. //No bath today then. Damn it.//

Glorfindel showered himself with the help of a water-skin. Erestor pretended to ignore him although he envied the Guard Captain his frank attitude. He himself was far too shy to expose himself like that.

Their frugal meal - lembas and water from the creek - was taken in silence and soon after they went to sleep.


The whole next day passed in silence

"Have you ever been to 'Lorien before?" Glorfindel asked at their night-camp between two bites of lembas.




Glorfindel rolled his eyes and tried another attempt:

"Have you ever lead negotiations with King Thranduil before?"

"Aye." Erestor sipped on his tea with eyes that seemed to focus on an invisible point far, far away.

"Erestor, do you listen at all?"

"Why, of course! What kind of question is that?" the Counselor's head snapped around angrily, his dark eyes momentarily blazing with unusual intensity. But only for a second.

"Well, do you realize that I am trying to establish some kind of conversation between the two of us?"

"Oh..." Erestor had truly not thought of that "well, we don't have anything in common. What should we talk about?"

"Sure we have!" Glorfindel opposed.

"Indeed?" Erestor’s eyebrows rose with wonder and his voice dripped with condescension.

"We're both elves, both male, we live at Rivendell and serve Lord Elrond, we're....." his voice trailed off. Glorfindel found himself unable to list more of their common ground.

"Indeed, that is a lot!" Erestor snorted, finding his opinion verified.

"I deem this travel would be nicer if we would at least TRY to behave like civilized elves?"

"In contrary to YOU, I don't have to try - I AM civilized."

A low growl escaped Glorfindel's lips at this insult.

//see, he's more like an animal, this brute.// satisfied with his findings Erestor returned to staring into void.

The blond seriously pondered the question whether slaying Erestor would be judged as a mercy-killing or even a favor for all elvendom. For more than 24 hours he had now tried to be nice. Well, at least he'd tried to be indifferent with this obviously inept bookworm.

"So, tell me, have you negotiated with Thranduil often?" //This is my last attempt. The very last!//

"Why, yes. King Thranduil and Lord Elrond are not on speaking terms since the tragic incident that led to Oropher's death."

“Why would Thranduil blame Elrond?” Glorfindel had been in the Halls of Waiting by that time and HE only knew what scrolls recounted. Lord Elrond rarely told stories of that battle.

“Gil-galad and Elrond were…. very close.” Erestor said hesitantly. “Oropher’s call for help came in too late but Thranduil would not believe that.”

It sounded as if Erestor had been there. Although most legends were known to all elves, Glorfindel knew the difference between somebody telling a tale and someone recounting things he had witnessed in some way.

“Have you been there?”

Erestor’s gaze flickered strangely. “Nay…”

Glorfindel did not like to discuss the Halls of Waiting and he knew how to respect other elves’ wish for avoidance of certain subjects.

“How ‘about ‘Lorien?” the blond Noldo asked to change the subject.

“I was with Galadriel’s group when we crossed the HelcaraxË –“

“You are THAT old?” Glorfindel burst out.

Erestor simply gave Glorfindel an indignant stare. Did he not look like a genuine Noldo? Was he not lore-master in Elrond’s household? Did he not remember every detail since the Kinslaying? That dreadful incident… Erestor’s face darkened for a moment and Glorfindel mistook it completely.

“No offense.” The blond raised his hands defensively.

“What?” Erestor was at a loss, not knowing what Glorfindel referred to.

“I did not want to make it sound as if you were….well….an infirm geriatric.” //although you walk like one// Glorfindel explained.

“Oh.” Erestor stared again, for a change he started into the flames.

“Did you see the Trees?” Glorfindel asked with awe.

“Aye…” and for a moment the blond Gguard’s Captain could see the reflection of that famous light shine from Erestor’s eyes like it only would do with those who had seen the Two Trees alive and alight. Then the dark eyes went vacant as Erestor slipped into reverie.

Glorfindel sighed with frustration. Now that he had finally found something to talk about Erestor had simply gone to sleep! It was obvious that the bookworm was too haughty to converse with a simple warrior. //well, he’s not worth the effort anyway. Just a waste of breath.// Glorfindel wondered how somebody so tacit and arrogant could win anything at a negotiation. More than ever did the Balrog-slayer look forward to reaching Lothlorien.





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