Landlubber's Log
Raw Sewage
All music on this site by





House, M.D.
Stella Bridges Arc (German!)
In vollen Zügen
Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
Verbotene Bücher

Standalone (German)


Lord of the Rings
Composer's Block
Istari Love
You Can Still Be Free
Too Much
Elven Breeze
Where the Light Is Brightest
Composer's Block


Diamond Cycle:
Diamond's Way pt.1
Diamond's Way pt.2
Down Below
Lost and Found


Standalone Stories:
Into the Dark
On New Grounds


Fallen Angel
When Angels Travel (WIP)


Queer as Folk
Watching the Watcher

Istari Love


Disclaimer: this installment is for the sole purpose of entertainment both the author and the readers.
I do not intent to make money of it, so please don't sue me.
All characters unless noted otherwise are the property of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pairing: Gandalf/Saruman, Glorfindel/Erestor, Glorfindel-Gandalf-friendship

Beta-read by Cara, all remaining mistakes are intended and for the amusement of the valued reader.




Winter, year III, 1053

A tired horse carried a slumped-over rider through the falling wet snow. It could smell the stables nearby and quickened its pace. The rider, soaking wet, did  nothing to interfere. In fact he was not even feeling cold due to the fever that raged within his body. His mind was far away, caught up in dreams of better times, happier days.

It was in this condition that Gandalf arrived at Orthanc. Servants soon fussed over him, carrying him into the large bedchamber he shared with Saruman on the few occasions that he was ‘at home’.

“What have you gotten yourself into now?” the chiding, slightly mocking voice of Saruman penetrated Gandalf’s fever-dreams. “Drink this!”

Despite the foul taste of the brew, Gandalf downed the cup in one draught, so burning was his thirst. “EWW!” his face contorted with the bitterness of the tea.

Servants hurried to bring in hot water and towels but Saruman ushered them out, wanting to care for his mate himself. With great gentility he washed away the sweat and grime of his companion’s travel, hissing each time his fingers touched the blistering-hot skin.

Four long days Saruman did not leave Gandalf’s side.

Gandalf was caught in feverish dream-sequences.

Steel against steel.

The attacks grew fiercer with every moment. Gandalf had to move backwards, losing his advantageous position to the attacker who had obviously only toyed with him so far. When his back hit the rough, knotted bark of a tree, the other’s sword stopped at the tender flesh of Gandalf’s throat.

“Got you. Again?” Glorfindel stepped backwards, saluting with his sword.

“Not now. You keep frustrating me, Glorfindel.” Gandalf shook his head and gathered the dropped weapon. Far in the back a very slim, pale, dark haired elf had been watching and now slowly commenced on his way as the sparring obviously had ended.


Elrond’s study.

Gandalf and Saruman were concentrated reading scrolls, some of them so old and frail the wizards were almost afraid of touching them. Scholars were busy in the ongoing process of copying the oldest scrolls in order to preserve the knowledge.

The door burst open and Erestor, Elrond’s chief counselor  stormed in, excited and, for a change, his pale face was flushed, a small smile on his lips.

“My Lord Wizards!” he addressed the two Istari, “My Lords, we have word from Gondor. Orthanc is being cleared as we speak and you may reside there as long as you wish.” Erestor bowed slightly and handed Saruman the letter that had just arrived from Gondor, carrying the great seal of King Cyriandil of Gondor.



Telperion and Laurelin dying, killed by the dark crimes of Melkor, the fallen one. Valinor frozen in shock and fear, crying all around them.

Olorin had been there, alone, scared and shocked. When he understood what happened, it had been too late and his reaching out for help did not change a thing.

He was hiding, truly scared of Melkor, not knowing if the Vala was still around, probably lashing out against him. Olorin did not even dare to re-unite with his fellow-Istari, afraid that his spirit’s very move would give away his whereabouts. He had never been a hero.

“No!” Gandalf woke with a start, “Laurelin….”

“Shht. You were dreaming, dear. Relax.” Saruman dabbed away beads of sweat that had formed on Gandalf’s face.

“Cu – Curumo?” slowly the wizard recognized his surroundings.

“Aye. You are home. By the grace of the Valar, you are better! You need to take more care of you, I was truly worried this time.” Saruman chided Gandalf gently. After all he was glad his mate had survived.

Sickness was another frightening concept, they had learned. First they had been convinced their bodies were more like those of the Eldar, with abundant healing-abilities, immortal and strong. But then Gandalf’s first flu had taught them otherwise. Both Istari wondered if they were actually mortal yet they, of course! Had no intention to test that particular issue.

“I had a dream…. I saw The Trees die. So dark…” Gandalf whispered.

“It was just that, Olorin: a dream. Hush now and rest. Let me hold you” Saruman slid under the covers to hold his beloved.

“Hold me, you said.” Muttered the gray-haired wizard.

“I DO hold you.”

“Among other things, yes.”

“Are you complaining? Tell me to stop and I will.” Saruman teased his lover.

“If you do all the work, I shall be fine. I will not move a single limb here.” Gandalf smiled and actually purred under the gentle yet arousing ministrations.

“Don’t worry, I do not plan to exhaust you………prematurely that is.”

The wizards cursed the heavy covers that made the act awkward. Yet, they both cherished it. These short, rare moments came closest to the bitterly missed union of each other’s minds they had once known. And because Saruman for some reason refused to receive, Gandalf always surrendered after the shortest discussion, not wanting to anger his beloved who had developed an even quicker temper with his incarnation.

“Welcome home!” Saruman whispered once he’d recovered so far that he could speak again. Gandalf smiled happily, reaching behind to keep Saruman in place, relishing the sensation of being coupled as long as possible.

“Thank you, beloved.” The smaller, gray-haired wizard whispered before he dozed off again, sated and pleasantly tired.





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