Landlubber's Log
Raw Sewage
All music on this site by





House, M.D.
Stella Bridges Arc (German!)
In vollen Zügen
Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
Verbotene Bücher

Standalone (German)


Lord of the Rings
Composer's Block
Istari Love
You Can Still Be Free
Too Much
Elven Breeze
Where the Light Is Brightest
Composer's Block


Diamond Cycle:
Diamond's Way pt.1
Diamond's Way pt.2
Down Below
Lost and Found


Standalone Stories:
Into the Dark
On New Grounds


Fallen Angel
When Angels Travel (WIP)


Queer as Folk
Watching the Watcher

Istari Love


Disclaimer: this installment is for the sole purpose of entertainment both the author and the readers.
I do not intent to make money of it, so please don't sue me.
All characters unless noted otherwise are the property of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pairing: Gandalf/Saruman, Glorfindel/Erestor, Glorfindel-Gandalf-friendship

Beta-read by Cara, all remaining mistakes are intended and for the amusement of the valued reader.




One month later: Dol Guldur, Southern Mirkwood

The gray-robed figure carefully made its way through the underbrush. Although he had his sword drawn, Gandalf knew that secrecy was his best weapon here. He had made his way through masses of orcs and other evil creatures with the help of his magic but the closer he got the more dangerous that was and now that he stood at the entrance, the wizard was well aware that any use of magic would give away his presence invariably.

The construction was a massive dark perverted form of a tower with countless chimneys spitting sooty smoke and unhealthy fumes, gutters from which stinking liquids poured forth, pooling in repulsive ponds all around. And like a heavy cloud the foreboding of evil laid over this part of Greenwood the Great. Gandalf could feel it and he knew immediately this was not the doing of a Nazgul.

This was bigger.


Well, he would never find out if he stayed outside, would he? Fastening his grip around both staff and sword Gandalf waited for the sun to come out. In the light of day the creatures of darkness would hide and it would be easier to enter.


Inside it was dark, cold and damp. Gandalf could hear the turning of big wheels, the throbbing of large hammers and the further he progressed into the maze of corridors the more he felt as if something inhibited his steps. All those hallways were dimly lit with torches dripping with tar and filling the air with burning smoke, obscuring sight more than they helped. Gandalf chose his path purely on his sensing of evil that was as clear to him as was a red thread spun along his way. Meandering through hallways, up and down until the Istar had lost the last remains of orientation he suddenly faced a large double-door, made of black wood

It was more instinct than anything else that made Gandalf flinch. That and a good nose - the creature's stench was  betraying its silent approach. Unsheathing Glamdring as he jumped aside, Gandalf spun around to face the foe. The sword glittered coldly for a moment, the sparks flew as the wizard parried the blow of an iron mace.

The orc growled, trying to evade a false attack and thus more or less throwing itself into the sword's deadly arc as it came hissing through the air, cutting flesh and breaking bone. One orc was no opponent for Gandalf who had by now been trained in combat for years by the best elven warriors. Glorfindel had taught him the somewhat meaner moves that now should indeed come in handy for the first time.

Stepping over the foul corpse, Gandalf proceeded even more careful than before, with almost elven-like stealth and a grace that seemed so unfitting to his appearance. Peeking around another corner he saw a small troll.

Altogether, Gandalf was surprised how little the defenses inside Dol Guldur were. //I guess like any dog even he cannot see his own throat.// The troll seemed stationary but solitaire, so Gandalf decided to charge.

The troll was quite another caliber than the orc and swung a giant club made of iron, adorned with spikes with such ease that Gandalf wondered if it weight anything at all. The wizard escaped two blows by hair's breadth before he struck successfully for the first time, slicing the troll's left arm. The wound was not deep and the troll right-handed,  so the strike did not matter at all - except that it enraged the creature even more. Driving the wizard back the way he had come the troll pinned Gandalf in a corner. The Istar parried a deadly blow. The sword's vibrations went through his arm and he almost dropped the weapon with a loud groan. Club sliding slowly along the blade, the troll could not understand why this figure was so strong.

Gandalf concentrated, then suddenly ducked - the club tore shards from the wall behind and Glamdring was thrust deep into the evil creature's bowels with a war-cry of Gandalf's. Ripping out the blade again he severed the right arm from the doubling-over troll and then decapitated it.

Not taking time to dress his wounds Gandalf set out on his path again. His sword-arm hurt from the blow parried earlier, it was probably broken, cracked it was for certain.

Eventually he reached a double-winged door made of black wood and enforced with bands of black iron. It was unlike the other doors, not crude orc-craft had worked it, but somebody else. It was hot to the touch and first Gandalf could not determine the style but then found it did resemble Numenorian work.

No handle was to be found, no lock, nothing that would hint at how to open the large, heavy doors. Gandalf pressed his palm against it, amazed that it opened effortlessly despite it's size.

Ever so careful did the wizard take a step inside. Then another. And another. Nothing happened. A look around revealed that Gandalf stood in a vast room with a domed ceiling. A room that was completely empty! A strange sense of foreboding let his hair stand on end.

Then it happened: a soft breeze brushed his face and a low whisper was carried on the slight move of air. The whisper grew louder, into a hollow laughter that seemed to come from every direction.

“Now, who are you?” the disembodied voice roared its amusement, the sudden gust of wind tearing at Gandalf’s robes.

“A mere traveler, lost and weary.” The bent old man answered. “Who are you? Will you not show yourself?”

“Do I not know you? It deems me...” the hot wind whirled around the Istar, faster and faster until he was being spun around “hmmmm..... ah, yes! Mwahahaha, it is YOU, Olorin!” all of a sudden Gandalf was released and he stumbled and fell roughly onto the ground while the voice laughed hysterically.

“Is that all they can muster? The fool, the dreamer, the coward, the soft heart? Have you come to rescue me, Olorin?” the voice was still shaking with laughter.

Gandalf, who had realized who he was facing here, struggled to his feet. “Nay. You are hopeless. Had I known it was you, I would not have wasted my time coming here.”

“Well, well, now that you have come – I would have that body of yours. It is ugly yet still better than none. Will you leave voluntarily?”

“Even if I could, I wouldn’t.”

The voice laughed and then roared a spell that hit Gandalf like a hard fist. The wizard gasped for air and straightened again. He had not awaited such a sudden strike. Now he countered, confronting his opponent with a powerful incantation, but he couldn’t even finish before it was parried, slamming the gray-haired figure into the wall. Gandalf’s cracked bone finally gave and he cried out in pain. He needed a moment to compose himself and the invisible fiend did not hesitate to take advantage of the situation.

Gandalf had never been the bravest, strongest or most courageous one. What let him stand out among his kin was his compassion, his patience and his unconditional love for the people of Arda. None of the Valar had forseen that of all Isari sent, it would be Olorin to face Sauron, ever!

The pull was painful, excruciatingly so, as Gandalf’s spirit was being driven out of his body. With a last effort he forced his body to stand and then the wizard started to sing. Evoking the brightness of the Trees and the goodness of the Valar. Drawing strength for himself from that song, Gandalf focused on his love for the elves, for Curumo, drawing power from that emotion and his chant changed, from the creative power of love he shifted to a terrible note of destruction in his final attempt to stop the annihilation of all he loved, adored and had pledged to protect.

Sauron countered. Although still too weak to assume a physical form, the Maia was a powerful being who had learned many evil things of grand power from Melkor. Such was their duel that the foundations of Dol Guldur were shaking and when Gandalf realized he would not be able to withstand another rune, a shrill shriek was heard, a final gust of wind threw the wizard to the ground.


To his amazement he was not forced from his carnal hull! For a long time he laid in the dark, feeling the confusion around him.


Gandalf did not know how much time had passed when he exited the dark building. His hair disheveled, wild around his head, the broken arm dangling twisted and useless at his side, blood running from his nose and many wounds on his body. He found it hard to breathe and guessed he had at least one rib broken. At some point he had lost his boots and the acid rain burnt his skin and soaked his clothes until he was wet to the bone. He crawled more than walked, away, only away from this place he wanted to go. He found a cave and crawled inside, his mind drifting into a state of trance, leaving behind his battered body and the pain.





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