Landlubber's Log
Raw Sewage
All music on this site by





House, M.D.
Stella Bridges Arc (German!)
In vollen Zügen
Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
Verbotene Bücher

Standalone (German)


Lord of the Rings
Composer's Block
Istari Love
You Can Still Be Free
Too Much
Elven Breeze
Where the Light Is Brightest
Composer's Block


Diamond Cycle:
Diamond's Way pt.1
Diamond's Way pt.2
Down Below
Lost and Found


Standalone Stories:
Into the Dark
On New Grounds


Fallen Angel
When Angels Travel (WIP)


Queer as Folk
Watching the Watcher

Istari Love


Disclaimer: this installment is for the sole purpose of entertainment both the author and the readers.
I do not intent to make money of it, so please don't sue me.
All characters unless noted otherwise are the property of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pairing: Gandalf/Saruman, Glorfindel/Erestor, Glorfindel-Gandalf-friendship

Beta-read by Cara, all remaining mistakes are intended and for the amusement of the valued reader.




“Now, you’re almost as good as new. With your healing abilities there shouldn’t be a scar left within a few days, Mithrandir.” Elrond had cleaned and bandaged the wound Gandalf had carried away from the fight with the orcs.

“Thank you so much, Elrond.” Gandalf stood, ready to leave the healing-houses. He wasn’t used to being the patient and he thoroughly disliked the experience.

“Tell me, how is Saruman?” Elrond asked while they walked back towards the main house.

“He was traveling eastward and was gone for a long time. Before I left we had a rather harsh argument about Dol Guldur.” Gandalf did not know if Elrond wanted to know more about the subject.

“How so?” They had reached the small study again and Elrond invited Gandalf inside with a graceful gesture.

“He does not want me to go there. He is worried that I may come to harm if I do. He...well, you know that we are very close, that we only have each other and the memories of Valinor we share...” Gandalf ventured.

“And that you love each other. I know. I accepted that a long time ago, Mithrandir.” Elrond told him mildly.

“Aye, he is very dear to me. When he realized that I would not refrain from going there simply because he, my lover, would not want me to go, he ordered me – as my superior, as head of the order.” Gandalf sighed heavily. “I feel that is the wrong decision. Now I don’t know what to do: follow my instincts or obey my superior?”

“Well, I cannot tell you what to do, Mithrandir, but so far your instincts haven’t misguided you – why should they now?” Elrond poured them some wine.

//ah, you don’t know, Master Elrond. You don’t know!// Gandalf sipped his wine – it was red, sweet and strong, one could taste the earth on which it had grown. “This is a very good vintage, I may say.”

“Why don’t you stay for a few days and make up your mind? Summer Solstice is only a week from now and you will certainly find pleasure in the festivities. Some rest wouldn’t be hurting you, too. Please, Mithrandir, be my guest!”

The prospect of dwelling in Imladris once more without too pressing matters at hand was extremely tempting and so Gandalf agreed, thanking Elrond for his generosity before he retired to his rooms. A week at Imladris would mean a week of song and music, of story-telling and of endless marveling at the immense beauty of the Eldar, for Gandalf had fallen in love with the firstborn ever since he had seen them first. To him they were the most beautiful creatures sung into being. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.


The day before Solstice the elves had gathered on the great terrace that lead to the Hall of Fire. For the summer-evenings were not to be spent inside. They were singing or listening to Gandalf telling tales from unknown or forgotten regions of Middle-Earth.

Although the elves never tired listening the the 13923th interpretation of the story of Luthien, they also liked to hear something new and Gandalf had traveled into regions they usually did not bother to visit because only men lived there and elves no longer bothered about men’s business. Still they loved their myths and lore, even if they often could not understand why one had acted the way he had done.

And those stories were told in a new way – for Gandalf refused to sing them! Who had ever heard of such outrageous idea? Lore had to be sung – even Men knew as much. But Gandalf could not risk singing – too strong were the creative powers even of one of the lesser Maiar. “My voice is an insult to all Ainu and I would not make you suffer to hear me sing. I want to be welcome next time as well.” He used to say. To make up for the unconventional way of telling, Gandalf was able to create a dense atmosphere, to describe with such detail that the elves wondered if he had been there when the stories happened. Little did they know how right they were with this suspicion!

Now, on the evening before Solstice their gathering was interrupted by the arrival of another guest: The Lindonian minstrel Lindir arrived with his harp. The gray-eyed, dark-haired minstrel spent most of his time traveling with Gildor Inglorion’s group, but he would spend the winters at Imladris. His coming at the high time of summer was unexpected but very welcome.

He was brought to Elrond and bowed courteously, greeting the Lord of Imladris with finely chosen words.

“Well met, Lindir! I hope we will be so happy as to listen to your talented voice and harp-play?”

“I would be honored, my Lord, if you would find pleasure in my limited skills.” Lindir bowed once again with a small smile on his face. After exchanging the required pleasantries and politeness, Lindir excused himself, mingling with those who listened to Gandalf telling a story about a man who had drunk a love-potion to fall in love with the first creature he would see upon waking and unfortunately that creature had happened to be a donkey. It was a hilarious story, indeed and everybody was laughing hard.

After the wizard had finished and the elves had calmed down, Lindir tuned his harp without much ado, then played a short bit before he stopped to announce his newest composition “I called it ‘Mithrandir’s Song’ for it is my homage to our beloved Grey Pilgrim who never ceases to amaze and entertain us.” This was followed by murmurs of assent and Gandalf indeed blushed slightly until he met the nasty grin of Glorfindel’s.

The song mentioned some of the Istar’s more dangerous travels as well as the questions of his mysterious origins. Lindir’s clear voice and swift fingers wove a wonderful fabric of music and lyric, bright and dark, powerful yet sweet at times. When he ended nobody moved at first, then applause burst forth. Lindir stood and bowed deeply, glad that his newest song, too, had pleased his audience. Gandalf stood as well, bowing to Lindir.

“I feel very honored, Master Lindir. Yet I insist that dedicating so many beautiful words to one old man is more flattery than is good for me.”

“To the contrary, Mithrandir. Not a single note or breath that praised you would be a waste.” Lindir beamed, the smile so bright and the elf so ethereal that it hurt Gandalf’s heart and he wondered if he was able to endure so much beauty or if he would be scorched by it. Being among so many of the fair folk for such a long time somehow reminded him of trying to get closer to Laurelin’s hot light and his eyes shone brighter that week.


During the festivities of Summer Solstice there were still enough duties left. Letters had to be written and Erestor was glad he had something to keep him busy. Elrond would never have asked any elf to work on that day but Erestor insisted and so the Lord of Imladris had given up one year. Erestor had long ago stopped to attend those merriments completely. He stayed only when it was with an emphasis on music and song for the dancing was too painful for him to watch

Oh, how he had loved to dance prior to his captivity! And although he had not been a brilliant dancer, he had had a certain natural grace of movement superior to the mass of his peers. Alas, that was history. Nowadays he was glad when he did not trip on a threshold and he hid his awkward motions under heavy robes. His feet hurt most of the time anyway – to dance would not be possible without suffering and making himself a complete fool in public. He was too proud for that.

Yet Lindir’s music was too beautiful to be ignored and so, after Legolas was tucked in, he sneaked into the hall of fire, unnoticed, as he thought, and listened, watching the dancers on the terrace with great longing.

“Would you like to dance?” out of the blue Glorfindel stood behind him.

“Nay. I don’t.” Erestor answered coldly. Why would the smelly brute not leave him alone?

“I can see it in your eyes, Erestor.” Glorfindel said. He was clad in his best tunic and leggings, his hair extravagantly braided in the newest fashion and a faint scent of sandalwood was around him. Usually the captain did not spend so much time decking himself out, but solstice was a special occasion on which the elf wished to shine in all his splendor.

“I can’t. You of all people should know that!” Erestor hissed angrily.

“Ai, peace! I know… I merely wanted to offer you some help. I know you cannot dance with some maiden, but you can with me. I can support you. Give it a try. Nobody will laugh.” Glorfindel was serious – his conversation with Gandalf was still rather fresh in his mind -  and suddenly the craving was too much. Erestor nodded.

Glorfindel hid his surprise quickly – he had only wanted to tease the ancient Noldor, to at least pretend he cared. It never came to his mind the crippled elf would indeed give in to such an offer.

To Erestor’s amazement Glorfindel bowed courteously and then took the lead. It was easy for the strong warrior to keep a fast hold on the overly slim elf. The dance was a slow one and it was easy to help Erestor keep his equilibrium where the man’s missing toes would have prevented Erestor to do so himself. Slowly the raven-haired elf relaxed and moving became easier. Still Glorfindel kept a firm hold on him.

Nobody laughed. In fact, Glorfindel had been casting threatening looks around, enough to stifle any laughter before they had even started the dance. So, in fact, nobody wanted to laugh. Not a single elf would want to feel the captain’s wrath upon him – captain Glorfindel was known for a quick temper. The odd couple did look a bit awkward but there was no reason to ridicule them. They complimented each other nicely.

They did not stop after one dance. Erestor’s face lit up with a genuinely happy smile until he was tired from the unusual exercise. “I enjoyed this very much, Glorfindel. Thank you for this evening, but I think I will retire now. Good night, captain.” Erestor excused himself, yawned and turned away. He felt wonderfully: for a whole millennium he had not dared to dance and now the most unlikely elf in Imladris had given him an opportunity unhoped for.

It was as if he walked on broken glass. He had ignored his feet for too long and now they hurt so badly he could hardly walk at all lest keep himself upright and his face straight. Glorfindel caught his stumbling in the corner of his eye and was at his side in no time, supporting the crippled elf.

“Your feet. You should have stopped earlier.” He chided the dark haired counselor. Glorfindel blamed his protective streak for his behavior. He had always protected the weak ones and in his eyes Erestor was such. Thus the ancient elf deserved his protection, no matter how dour and cynical the lore-master might be.

“I am used to the pain.” The advisor replied, trying to save his dignity.

Glorfindel sat Erestor down in a chair and took off the shoes, baring the deformed feet and ignoring Erestor’s protests. He fetched some salve from Erestor’s bathroom and crouching down he applied a gentle massage to the sore and neglected organs. Erestor sighed and closed his eyes. It felt good! It eased his pain and the cramps subsided.

“You should take more care of yourself.” Glordindel remarked with a frown.

“For whom?” Erestor said bitterly.

“For yourself! Eru deserves as much. He did not sing you into being so that you neglected yourself.” Glorfindel stood. “Come, let me help you to bed.”

“I can do myself.” It was enough! Erestor had let down his guards far too long and now the situation became unbearable. He wanted to be alone. He had been glad when Legolas had finally moved to his own rooms two days ago. The counselor valued his privacy and he was loathe to let Glorfindel see how weak he was at times.

“I know but you can hardly stand. Why not make it easier for a change?” Glorfindel did not budge.

“I….I’m no longer used to….to expose myself to others.”

“I saw you and I did not run, did I?” Glorfindel smirked.

“No.” Erestor managed a weak grin “But I doubt you would run even if there were ten balrogs behind you!”

“True. Only that I would be facing them. Now, let me help you! That’s an order.”


Glorfindel supported Erestor when the elf stood to get out of his heavy, long robe and undergarments. Helping the meager elf to sit again Glorfindel then followed the directions to fetch Erestor’s sleeping –robe. “There. Better?” the blond elf wrapped the robe around Erestor’s shoulder.

“Yes. Much better. Thank you so much.” Erestor pulled the robe hastily around his ugly body and managed a weak smile.

“Good night.” Without further thinking Glorfindel leant in and kissed Erestor’s hair before he left without looking back.

The crippled elf stared at the door for quite some time, incredulity painted all across his face. This had not been Glorfindel, had it?


Outside in the hallway a very puzzled Balrog-slayer leant against the wall, wondering what orc had ridden him just moments ago? Had he really done what he thought he had done?

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Elrond’s young family was having a picnic at the Bruinen, the twins were just learing to walk and proudly made their first steps, clinging to the hands of Elrond’s chief advisor. The Noldorin elf had already raised Elrond’s father and had stayed with the family ever since. Being more or less part of the family had finally put an end to his restlessness and he had fully devoted his service to their well-being.

The ancient warrior carried his long knives in a harness on his back, understanding himself as the twin’s bodyguard. It was as much fighting as he was willing to do. He had been in too many battles, had seen and spilled too much blood for his tastes. Here at Imladris he could live an almost peaceful life, delving into lore, trying to forget about all those wars.

When the twins suddenly let go of his hands and ran for their mother, the advisor did not even attempt to follow, knowing they would make it safely into the arms of their parents. He straightened his back, glad for the break and looked across the river.

There stood a figure, tall and slim, staring over at them. It had to be an elf, for the sentries had not bothered to stop him. But something was strange and Erestor’s hair stood on end. “My Lord Elrond.” He said.

Elrond was about to remind the Noldor he needen’t be so formal when his eyes fell on the forlorn figure on the other side. “Who is this?”

“I have no idea.” Erestor gripped his long knives, ready to defend the family when the tall figure started to cross the Bruinen at the ford, wading towards them. His tunic and leggings were torn, he wore no shoes and his hair was unkempt. The figure was dirty and meager, but obviously unarmed. The azure eyes were almost blank.

“Mae govannen, stranger.” Elrond greeted the elf with his open palm outstretched in a gesture of peace.

The stranger’s brows knotted and his head tilted slightly but he said no word.

“I am Elrond, the Lord of Imladris. May I ask your name?” Elrond spoke calmly and slowly almost as he would with an animal that would not understand the words but the tone of his voice. Still there was no sign of understanding in the stranger’s eyes. The twins cooed and the bright blue eyes flashed into their direction. Erestor immediately tensed, inching the knives slowly out of their sheaths. He was ready to throw himself into the stranger’s way.

The unknown elf licked his lips.

“I think he is hungry.” Celebrian stood and walked over to them with a plate of white, sweet cakes.

“My Lady, you should not...”

“Erestor, please! I am here with two brave elves and he is unarmed. What should happen to me?” her silver-clear laughter sounded in the air as she offered the stranger the food. It was greedily devoured within seconds.

“Va, hen! (no, child!)” Erestor stopped a twin unlacing his boots, falling back to Quenya, his mother- tongue, as he often did. It seemed for the first time that some kind of discern flickered in the stranger’s eyes. Erestor lifted the toddler up and softly spoke to the child.

“Where am I?” the brittle voice of the stranger spoke a clear Quenya.

“You are in Imladris, in the valley of the river Buinen.” Lord Elrond now explained again, using the old high-elven language. He spoke it well, yet it was a foreign language to him and came not as fluent as from Erestor’s lips.

“I never heard of such a place. I do not know this part of the world...” the stranger muttered.

It took months until the stranger had regained his memory and bit by bit the pieces fell into place. It turned out to be the mighty Balrog-slayer Glorfindel of the Golden Flower. How he had returned to Middle-Earth and why, he could not tell. The last thing he remembered was the sack of Gondolin.

“And the next thing I remember is.....waking up in the rain about four weeks ‘ere I arrived here.” Glorfindel ended his story.

~~~~~ end of flashback


Gandalf had retired shortly after midnight when most elves had started to disappear in couples to celebrate the more private aspect of Summer Solstice. He was about to extinguish all candles in his room  and was surprised when he heard a soft knock at his door. It was Lindir!

“Master Lindir! How can I help you?”

“May I come in?” the minstrel asked shyly. Gandalf stepped aside to let the willowy elf enter his room.

“I am glad you liked the song I made for you, Mithrandir.” Lindir said softly, a small smile playing around his lips.

“It was beautiful, indeed! Being honest, I doubt that any song made by you could no be. Even if it dealt with orcs alone. But that is certainly not the reason for your visit, is it?” the wizard could not find any reason why the elf was in his room, at this time, to this occasion.

“Tis a special night, Mithrandir. Nobody should be alone tonight...” Lindir gracefully tilted his head and smiled.

Gandalf found that smile VERY seductive! “Then why are you?” he asked hesitantly.

“Am I? Do you find me not desirable, Mithrandir?” Lindir took a very small step towards the wizard. Gandalf suddenly thought the room had grown too hot!

“I think you are one of the most beautiful elves I’ve seen, Lindir, but – oh sweet Eru!” Lindir had opened and dropped his robes. The minstrel stood naked and ready in the moonlight that seeped through the thin curtains of the high windows. Gandalf was certain he had never before seen anything as beautiful as the slim form of Lindir’s.

Gandalf gingerly reached out to touch the naked elf. His large hand traced the elegant curve from neck to shoulder, felt the silky quality of the smooth, creamy skin. “So beautiful...” he whispered.

“Then have me, Mithrandir.” Lindir took a step forward, his slim hands seeking entrance to the wizard’s robes but finding none. “I see it is not easy to get through to you...”

“Lindir, I – I may be quite a disappointment: I am not too experienced in matters of physical love.” The Istar confessed with a becoming blush.

The minstrel’s finger closed the wizard’s lips. “You will do alright. I trust you and you should trust me. Do you not feel the tide pulsing in your veins?”

“Oh, yes!” Gandalf moaned. More than anybody else in Middle-Earth did the Istari feel the turn of the tides, the spinning of the sun’s wheel. He threw off his robes, revealing an amazingly firm, straight body that was soon wrapped up in the elf’s embrace.

Gandalf worshipped the Elven beauty that offered himself so willingly. His hands and mouth explored Lindir’s delicious body. The elf tasted so sweet, so intoxicating that Gandalf felt almost dizzy. The small whimpers and soft moans drove the wizard crazy. He was just paying homage to the perfectly shaped shaft of Lindir’s. It was – engorged as it was now – of a dark pink coloring with a purple head. It was longer than a Man’s, yet of same girth and the head was less blunt with a more accentuated crown. Gandalf had a hand wrapped around the base while he lapped at the tip. The trickle of pre-cum tasted of honey and the Maia had just started to suckle at the member to get more of the delicious essence from the moaning elf.

“Please, Mithrandir, stop teasing!” the minstrel begged, spreading his legs wide.

“I’m afraid to hurt you...” Gandalf whispered, indeed afraid to cause harm to the delicate Elda.

“I shall tell you a secret, Mithrandir:” Lindir panted while he oiled himself, impatient to be taken “we do not break like glass, dear wizard.” With that he elf wrapped his legs around the hovering wizard and impaled himself on Gandalf’s weeping cock. “Oh, by the Valar!” Gandalf cried out and threw his head back. He would have expected the elf to be less tight, but the clenching muscles seemed to cut off his member. The torture was a sweet one.

Moving in and out in a speeding up rhythm, Gandalf kept his eyes open, wanting to see every nuance of emotion on Lindir’s face. The minstrel’s soft sounds became more and more a continuous melody, indeed the sweetest song imaginable to Gandalf. It all came to a climax so perfectly timed that for a moment the world seemed to come to a rest and the wizard thought he would die.

“Thank you for this song, my sweet Lindir.” Gandalf held the elf in his arms, his head buried in the sweet-smelling mass of dark hair.

“I thank you, my dear Mithrandir. I...I SAW things. Beautiful things.” With that the elf slid off into reverie, dreaming of the things Gandalf had let him see.





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