Landlubber's Log
Raw Sewage
All music on this site by





House, M.D.
Stella Bridges Arc (German!)
In vollen Zügen
Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
Verbotene Bücher

Standalone (German)


Lord of the Rings
Composer's Block
Istari Love
You Can Still Be Free
Too Much
Elven Breeze
Where the Light Is Brightest
Composer's Block


Diamond Cycle:
Diamond's Way pt.1
Diamond's Way pt.2
Down Below
Lost and Found


Standalone Stories:
Into the Dark
On New Grounds


Fallen Angel
When Angels Travel (WIP)


Queer as Folk
Watching the Watcher

Istari Love


Disclaimer: this installment is for the sole purpose of entertainment both the author and the readers.
I do not intent to make money of it, so please don't sue me.
All characters unless noted otherwise are the property of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pairing: Gandalf/Saruman, Glorfindel/Erestor, Glorfindel-Gandalf-friendship

Beta-read by Cara, all remaining mistakes are intended and for the amusement of the valued reader.




Erestor had not had the heart to wake Gandalf and Legolas and since he was not tired and the stars shone too brightly at the clear night-sky, the ancient elf had decided to combine the beautiful with the necessary and spend the night awake. He had sung Elbereth’s song more than once. The past weeks had made it clear that he had lost contact to the living world outside the walls of Imladris and he gave himself the promise that he would go outside more often in the near future.

The only excitement of the next day was to keep Legolas under control. The young elfling who was not used to being overly cautious constantly drifted off the path and out of sight when following tracks of rabbits and other little creatures. Finally even Gandalf lost patience and bristling his bushy eyebrows he very authoritatively commanded Legolas to stay at his side. It would do no good when the prince would get hurt during their travel. Gandalf could not afford to lose Thranduil’s liking. When the small company made camp, both adults were unnerved and tired, Legolas was sulking and to top it all off it started to rain heavily.

The downpour not only quenched the fire, it forced the three travelers to huddle around a tree-trunk and duck beneath drenched blankets used as a means to keep the rain away. Dawn was late and the sky slate-grey and low above them as they passed the mountain-pass. Although none of the three was truly afflicted by the cold, none of them liked traveling in soaking wet, heavy robes and their mood wasn’t too bright – a perfect match to the crying sky above.

It must have been shortly after noon when they got caught in an ambush. The sound of the rain falling into countless puddles must have drowned-out the orcish footfalls until they were attacked. Gandalf grabbed Legolas and put him in front of the Wizard on his horse while he drew his sword.

Erestor froze for a moment, then realized that he did have a weapon to fight. The Noldor drew the shimmering blade just in time to parry a crudely made orcish weapon. The elf’s blade bit deeply into the dark metal and with a wild yanking motion Erestor wrestled the weapon out of the orc’s hands, sending it through the air in a high arc. Not waiting for a reaction, the counselor slashed the foe’s ribcage, innards pouring out in a gush of black blood, the creature screaming terribly. Erestor realized that his horse would replace his feet and that from above he would have some advantage. So he drove his heels into the horse’s flanks and came onto the orcs like a dark storm-could, his blade being like lightning, striking with deadly accuracy.

Gandalf decapitated two orcs before one managed to injure his left arm with which he held Legolas safely in place. The elfling undeniably meant a hindrance to the Istar’s fighting but he would never abandon the young prince. He was truly glad for Erestor’s presence since the old Noldor obviously recalled much of his former warrior-abilities.

Out of the shrubbery suddenly another elf broke forth, howling his battle-cry. He attacked the orcs mercilessly, he and his blade dancing a deadly pas-de-deux, the sword slashing the enemies like a thirsty predator, greedy for the black blood of orcs.

When it was over, the only sound was Glorfindel's sword being repetitiously thrust into orcs to ensure they would be dead and stay like that forever.

"Well met, Glorfindel." Gandalf greeted the powerful warrior who now cleaned his blade with a face of utter disgust. "Your arrival  could not have been more timely, old friend." Gandalf checked on Legolas who sat pale and quiet on the horse "Are you alright, little one?" the old wizard asked softly. Legolas nodded, eyes dancing between the slain corpses and the warrior who stood in his light leather armor, a smirk on his face. And in that moment Legolas knew he wanted to be like this elf!

The tortured whinny of Erestor's gelding cut through the treacherous calm and they all stared: Erestor knelt at the beast's side, talking to him. Gandalf and Glorfindel exchanged a quick glance - both knew there was nothing to rescue the poor beast.

"Step aside." Glorfindel said.

Erestor looked up defiantly. Only now he realized how much he had gotten used to the gentle-gaited gelding  during the past weeks "No..." the protest was more like a strangled sound of pain than anything else.

"Erestor, come." Gandalf gently but determinedly pulled the counselor to a stand and then pulled him against his chest, facing away from the horse. the ugly sound of blade cutting flesh and sinew and bone told the raven haired Noldo that the horse was dead.

"I had wondered what took you so long, so I decided to look out for you." Glorfindel sheathed his sword after he had cut-off the bedroll from the dead horse's saddle. He eyed the elfling curiously. "Where did you find this elfling?"

Gandalf had released Erestor who, as quickly as he could, stepped away, regaining his composure. "He is to be a fosterling in Lord Elrond's household. His name is Legolas. Well, I suggest we hurry along - who know how many more of these maggots are around?" Gandalf grabbed the reins and briskly walked on.

Glorfindel who saw Erestor struggle to keep up and eventually stumble, grabbed the counselor's arm in an attempt to help him.

Erestor flinched "Don't touch me!" he hissed. He was not used to accepting help, in fact Erestor took pride in being independent. And certainly he would not let this rude, simple warrior change that.

Gandalf stopped and turned, guilt written all across his face - he had actually forgotten about Erestor's condition. "Somebody should  make sure that Legolas is safe on the big horse when it might stumble. Why don't you mount, Erestor, and hold the little one?"

"I can do well on my own!" Legolas protested, finally finding his voice again and – more than ever – wanting to appear ‘grown-up’.

“You can as long as the way is easy. But soon the way leads downhill along steep slopes, so Erestor will make sure you stay where you are.” Gandalf explained. Legolas made a face but did not argue any more. Erestor soon mounted Gandalf’s steed and while he held the reins in one hand he had an arm lightly around the elfling’s narrow waist to prevent the prince from falling down.

The adults were speaking in Quenya for they knew the Sindarin prince would not understand it. Gandalf told Glorfindel exactly who Legolas was and why he was brought – without true knowledge of King Thranduil – to Imladris.

“Does Elrond know?” Glorfindel wondered. Everybody knew how deep-set the hate between Mirkwood and Imladris was.

“Lord Elrond” said Erestor indignantly, reminding Glorfindel of the respect to be paid to the Lord of the house, “Lord Elrond will certainly agree to Mithrandir’s plan as he sees the advantage of it. It had never been Lord Elrond’s wish to have such discord between our people, especially because the reason is so unjust – yet painful.” From his highly-seated position Erestor’s voice sounded even more condescending than it usually was and Glorfindel had already a sharp retort ready but Gandalf’s arm stopped him from voicing it.

Despite their hurried pace it was already dark when they arrived at the Last Homely House. Young Legolas was sound asleep, resting in Erestor’s arm and leaning back against the counselor’s chest.

“Give me the boy.” Glorfindel reached up and pulled the childe into his strong arms without waking the little one. Erestor was relieved – he had felt awkward with the gangly bundle in his arms. He had forgotten how to deal with elflings – the twins and Arwen had long since grown up.





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